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Death Game Hotel
Privacy Policy

White Owls Inc. ("the Company") recognizes the importance of customers’ personal information and complies with laws, regulations, and other guidelines regarding personal information. In addition, in order to properly acquire, use, and manage the personal information handled by the Company, the Company sets forth the following privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") and will comply with it.


Article1 (Personal Information to be Obtained)

1 When you use our products and services, the Company may obtain the following personal information

⑴ Information regarding the customer's name, address, date of birth, age, sex, occupation, telephone number, e-mail address, country of residence, and country of birth

⑵ Credit card and other payment information

⑶ Information on purchase history and usage of products and services

⑷ Information regarding the OS, model, identifier, and communication status of the terminal device on which you use our products and services

⑸ Information about accounts granted by third-party platform providers

2 Our products and services may require linking with your social media account, and by linking your account, you acknowledge that the Company shall share information with the provider of your social media account, and You also agree that the information you share shall be managed in accordance with the privacy policy of the social media concerned.


Article2 (Purpose of Use)

The Company may use acquired personal information  for the following purposes. In addition, the Company may use acquired personal information within the scope permitted by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations.

⑴ To provide our products and services

⑵ To make payment for the provision of our products and services

⑶ To provide information on our products and services

⑷ To monitor fraud related to our products and services

⑸ To analyze data related to our products and services and to prepare various materials

⑹ To protect the rights and property of the Company, customers and other third parties

⑺ To respond to inquiries from customers regarding our products and services

⑻ To request customers to provide opinions or feedback on products and services

⑼ To comply with procedures required by law or by public and administrative authorities.


Article3 (Protection of Personal Information)

With respect to the protection of personal information, the Company shall implement appropriate organizational, physical, and technical measures to prevent divulgation, loss, or damage of personal information and take other necessary and appropriate measures for the management of personal information. Specifically, with respect to the management of information, the Company shall ensure the following

⑴ Ensuring the accuracy of information

The Company shall strive to ensure that the information provided by customers is always accurate and up-to-date.

⑵ Security control measures

The Company shall take technical precautions to prevent unauthorized access to or hacking of personal information by third parties. In addition, the Company shall train and instruct employees to prevent the loss, divulgation, or falsification of personal information, and implement systematic safety control measures.

⑶ Determination of contractors

When outsourcing the handling of personal information to an outside contractor, the Company shall ensure that the contractor takes technical precautions to prevent unauthorized access to or hacking of personal information by third parties, and that the contractor implements systematic security control measures to prevent loss, divulgation, or falsification of personal information by its employees. The Company shall carefully examine whether or not the contractor is appropriate, and shall determine an appropriate contractor.


Article4 (Retention Period)

The Company shall set a retention period for the personal information it acquires, and shall destroy the information after the retention period ends. Even within the retention period, the Company shall promptly dispose of the information when it is no longer needed.


Article5 (Transfer of Personal Information)

You agree that the Company may store and process the personal information on servers in countries or regions other than your country of residence, and that the personal information may be handled in accordance with laws and regulations different from those of your country of residence.


Article6 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)

The Company shall not provide personal information obtained based on customer consent to any third party without prior consent of the customer, except as permitted by laws, regulations, or other guidelines regarding personal information.

Article7 (Disclosure, Correction and Deletion of Personal Information)

1 Customers may request disclosure, correction, or deletion of their own personal information by contacting the Company's contact listed in Article 9, except in the following cases. However, if the customer requests correction or deletion of personal information, the Company may be forced to suspend the services provided to the customer as a result.

⑴ When the identity of the customer cannot be confirmed

⑵ When the agent's authority of representation cannot be verified

⑶ When the customer does not follow the prescribed procedures set forth by the Company and the procedures are incomplete

⑷ When there is a risk of harm to the rights and property of the Company, the customer or other third parties

⑸ When there is a risk that it may interfere with the proper conduct of our business

⑹ When it would violate other laws and regulations.

2 Personal information obtained by the Company through procedures for disclosure, correction, or deletion of personal information shall be used for the purposes of investigation for such procedures, identification of the customer and representative, collection of fees, and response to the request.

Article8 (Improvement of Handling of Personal Information)

The Company shall conduct inspections of our handling of personal information, management systems, and shall continually improve and review them.


Article9 (Inquiries)

If you have any questions regarding Privacy Policy, our handling of personal information, or requests to review, correct, or delete your personal information, please contact us at the following


Personal Information Consultation Service



Article10 (Privacy Policy Changes)

1 The Company may change all or part of Privacy Policy without prior notice to you.

2 If the Company changes this Privacy Policy, it shall promptly announce such changes to the public, and the changes to Privacy Policy shall become effective at the time of the announcement.

3 If you use our products and services after the effective date of any changes to Privacy Policy, you shall be deemed to have agreed to the terms of the revised Privacy Policy.

Copyright © White Owls Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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